Wednesday, December 16, 2009

never a dull moment..

Today at work, during lunch, a discussion started on the difference between entertainment in Jordan as opposed to entertainment outside of Jordan (America for example). I find myself getting into this discussion a lot because I claim that Jordan, a tiny country with enough places to count on a few hands, is more entertaining than New York, which is basically the capital of entertainment.

I am not going to sit here and say New York is not fun or amazing, I would obviously be delusional but I am more entertained in Jordan… and this is not a statement that I only make, I have met MANY Americans who have lived in Jordan for a period of time who have agreed.

I think this is mainly because entertainment in Jordan is simple, it does not take a weeks worth of planning to gather 20 people together and go out to a club or café, it is something normally done within minutes and daily.. and if u didnt plan it you just have to show up at a place and there will be alot of people there that you know, ready 2 have a good time..

I find myself going out everyday in Jordan and there really is never a dull moment. And yes I went out daily in America but it was different, it was mainly a friend’s house or something low key, in Jordan I feel like every night is a party.

We all know where and when to go to places to have a good time, Wednesday at Cube is 80s night, Thursdays at flow or 51, Happy Hour at la calle and profilo is always amazing.. Argillah(hookah) cafes anytime of the week.. its simple and pretty much guaranteed..

Life is fun here, and I too find it shocking that I think Amman Jordan is more entertaining than New York, USA

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